Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Birthday pressies from HK!

Handmade presents from Marysan! Mr Yap likes the stamp so much that he immediately declared it as our family stamp!

You put "photo album" on the customs sheet so Mr Yap thought he could finally get hold of some old pictures of mine (he said you promised him). Haha. I like the pencil portrait more than the real me! :D

Thank you so much ah...................


Unknown said...


哈哈~ 我寫完個"PHOTO ALBUM"都覺得怪怪地, 是關係LUNCH去寄就快遲到, 心急到乜咁, 郵差叔叔仲搞呢搞路問我當信寄定當包裹寄, 都冇理到D野喇~ 填哂寫冇俾郵差叔叔話就算喇~ 哈哈~ 令到MR YAP誤會喇! 真係唔好意思~! 我事實上亦有PHOTO ALBUM嚮屋企, MR YAP生日再送俾你勒!

我都唔記得問下佢新工作如何~ 雖然生日係你既, 不過都祝埋佢工作順利呀~

靜靜雞話埋你知, 個STAMP崩左一角, 俾我用AA膠痴返架~ 哈哈~ :P 你地小心D用呀~

Heroic Decepticon said...

yes ah... i thought its the long awaited "photo album" of historical Sim photos! So happy arr....

I also saw that little corner of the stamp that is re-glued. Hahaha.... ok lah, its still going to be the family stamp of the Yap clan =p